No Christmas would be complete without one with a liberal splash of brandy to light on the top. The trick to a good ignition is to pretend not to be able to light it and add more brandy…
125g margarine
400g figs
75ml of brandy from soaked fruit
400g mixed sultanas, raisins and cranberries
175g raw cane sugar
100g breadcrumbs
100g flour
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp nutmeg powder
2 tsp ginger powder
1) I soaked the dried fruit in brandy for about a week beforehand, feeding and shaking the container every so often. I used the fruit to make Christmas cake, Christmas pudding and mince pie mix.
2) Grease a 2-litre pudding bowl suitable for cooking. Put a little circle of greased grease-proof paper in the bottom.
3) Roughly chop 130g of the figs and put in a food processor with the margarine and brandy from the soaked fruit.
4) Blend until smoothish.
5) Add all the ingredients together in a large bowl and mix everything together well before putting it all in the greased bowl.
6) Cover it with a layer of greased grease-proof paper followed by foil and tie it round the rim of the bowl.
7) To cook I used a pressure cooker with the metal trivet in the bottom. I then put the pudding in and filled it up with water until below the level of the foil.
8) Leave the valve open to steam for 15 minutes then let it cook on high pressure for 35 mins and allow a natural release. The pudding is then ready for storage or eating.
9) Without a pressure cooker, put a saucer in the bottom of a large pan and sit the pudding bowl on it. Fill it with water around the pudding about halfway. Then steam it for 3 hours.
